Brazil in MLLNEWS@TheU features our highly successful MLL teach-in on the upcoming Brazilian elections. Our MLL Professors Tracy Devine Guzmán and Steve Butterman are quoted extensively, as well as Sam Johnson and Gabriel Das Chagas, two of our doctoral students whose scholarship focuses on Brazil. Check it here.
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Gema Pérez-Sánchez, Ph.D. | Pride ProfileJuly 6, 2021 Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship To celebrate Pride, we've collected experiences and insights from just a few of our researchers and scholars studying areas of interest in LGBTQ+ art, communities, and health. Below, learn more about Dr.Gema Pérez-Sánchez, an associate professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages and Literature and scholar of queer artists and movements in the Spanish-speaking world.
Steven Butterman | Pride ProfileJuly 6, 2021 Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship To celebrate Pride, we've collected experiences and insights from just a few of our researchers and scholars studying areas of interest in LGBTQ+ art, communities, and health. |
Christine Arce | HITN TelevisionJuly 1, 2020 Christine Arce escritora y profesora Christine Arce de padres mexicanos, es profesora en la Universidad de Miami donde trata temas de la cultura latina. Ha escrito el libro "México´s Nobodies" ganador del premio Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize. |
George Yúdice | FundacionTyPADecember 20, 2019 En qué piensan los expertos: George Yúdice / What's on the Expert's Mind? George Yúdice
Una sesión para conocer sobre su investigación actual: Descubrimiento colaborativo: Interacción de Saberes, enfocada en el surgimiento de una nueva institucionalidad para los museos y centros culturales como laboratorios de innovación social. En ese ámbito de colaboración y experimentación entre vecinos, en algunos casos participarían artistas, pero alejados del mundo del arte donde predominan la pericia, los valores del mercado, el glamour y la celebridad. Learn more about Yudice’s current research Collaborative Discovery: Interaction of Knowledge, that focuses on the emergence of a new institutional framework for museums and cultural centers as social innovation laboratories that thrive on experimentation with local communities, sometimes in partnership with artists. |
Susanna Allés-Torrent | École Française de RomePAR EFROME · PUBLIÉ 24/06/2020 · MIS À JOUR 24/07/2020 Intervista a una ricercatrice residente dell’École française de Rome.
Tracy Devine Guzmán co-founded UM’s Working Group in Native American and Global Indigenous Studies (NAGIS) with support from a U-LINK Social Equity Award. |
Viviana Díaz Balsera is currently researching processes of negotiation and translation in early seventeenth-century imprints for missionizing the Timucua peoples of La Florida. She seeks to reconstruct their voices as active, culturally situated audiences of these texts, and show how those voices contribute to the Timucua legacy. |
Suja Reyad Sawafta finished her doctoral degree at the University of Oxford in 2021. |
Susanna Allés Torrent was promoted to Associate Professor effective June 2021. |
Chrissy Arce published “Of Other Caribes: Son Jarocho and the Sounds of Dissent,”. Beyond the Islands. Narratives of the Mainland Caribbean in the Caribbean Studies journal. |
Steven Butterman's book entitled Queering and Querying the Paradise of Paradox: LGBT Language, New Media and Visual Cultures in Modern Day Brazil. (Rowman & Littlefield International) is in final production. |
Christina Civantos published “Writing on al-Andalus in the Modern Islamic World.” In The Routledge Handbook of Muslim Iberia, edited by Maribel Fierro (Routledge Press, 2020). |
Logan Connors was promoted to Full Professor effective June 2021. |
Logan Connors published his The Emergence of a theatrical science of man in France, 1660-1740. (Oxford and Liverpool: Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment-Voltaire Foundation and Liverpool University Press) in January 2020. |
Tracy Devine Guzmán published the essay on Indigenous studies in Brazil for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature (2020). She is writing a monograph called Transcontinental Indigeneities and editing Teaching Indigenous Studies in and of Latin America (MLA). |
Rebecca Doran published “Fashion and Historical Imagination: The Case of Sun Shou’s ‘Bewitching and Strange Appearances’” in Early Medieval China (2020) and has a forthcoming article “Clothing and Dress as Narrative Motifs in Shishuo xinyu” in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews. She also published a peer -reviewed annotated translation:“Writing the Shining Consort: Selected Tang Verse on Shangguan Wan’er (664?–710)” in Renditions 94. |
Ager Gondra published “Interface Hypothesis: Heritage speakers’ perception and production of Spanish subject position with unergative and unaccusative verbs” in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (2020), has a forthcoming article “Null Direct Object Clitics in Basque Spanish: a study across four generations” in Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. |
Elena Grau Llevería co-edited (with Ainaí Morales Pino and Fernando Quiroga) the volume Arte, artista y campo artístico. Concepciones, inscripciones y poéticas en el contexto latinoamericano. (Fondo Editorial Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2020). |
Ralph Heyndels published “‘Je suis un Indigène de la République’. L’atelier décolonial de l’écriture dans Celui qui est digne d’etre aimé d’Abdellah Taïa, in Around / Autour d’Abdellah Taïa. Poétique et politique du désir engagé/ Poetics and Politics of Engaged Desire, Caen: Passage(s) (Regards croisés), 2020; “‘Je me voyais en dissidence avec le monde’: Zahia Rahmani entre Algérie impossible et colonialité française”, in Noria. Revue littéraire et artistique, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020; “Ecriture viatique francographique, voyage vers nulle part? Ou comment (ne pas) devenir un ‘écrivain francophone’”, in Ridha Bourkhis, “Langue française, écrivains francophones", Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020; “Cartographie méditerranéenne du désir: Jean Genet”, in Noria. Revue littéraire et artistique, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2021 ; and “‘Sortir de tous les terriroires’. To Be a Racialized and Colonized Subject in France Today”, in Siham Bouamer and Denis Provencher, Abdellah Taïa’s Queer Migrations, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021. He also co-edited (with Amine Zidouh) Around / Autour d’Abdellah Taïa. Poétique et politique du désir engagé/ Poetics and Politics of Engaged Desire, Caen: Passage(s) (Regards croisés), 2020. |
Cae Joseph-Masséna published “Circulations transatlantiques des insurrections littéraires : face à la censure, les écritures ravagées du féminin dans Amour de Marie Vieux-Chauvet et La main dans le sac de Violette Leduc.” in L’atlantique littéraire au féminin, Ed. C. Chaudet (Les Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal/ PUBP, 2020). |
Andrew Lynch coedited volume-The Routledge Handbook of Spanish in the Global City.(Routledge, 2020) that included an introduction entitled “Introduction: Globalization, Cities, and the Spanish Language in Postmodernity” and a chapter co-authored with Marelys Valencia, “The Mass Mediation of Spanish in Miami.” He is currently finishing his book Sociolinguistic Dimensions of Postmodernity: Spanish in Miami. (Routledge). |
Lillian Manzor finished a co-edited anthology (with David Facy) entitled Teatro de las tres Américas: Antología Norte, and is finishing her book manuscript Marginality Beyond Returns: U.S. Cuban Performances and Politics. |
Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel co-edited two volumes: (with Santa Arias). The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898). (New York: Routledge, 2021) and Contemporary Archipelagic Thinking: Towards New Comparative Methodologies and Disciplinary Formations (Rowman and Littlefield International, 2020). She is working on her fifth book project Archipiélagos de ultramar: Insular Colonial Imaginaries in the Pacific and the Caribbean.
Maria Gracia Pardo was promoted to Senior Lecturer effective June 2021 |
Gema Pérez Sánchez is currently working on her book manuscript Transnational Queer Affects and Activism: Literary and Visual Public Interventions in Spanish Culture. |
Catalina Quesada Gómez was promoted to Senior Lecturer effective June 2021 |
Maidelin Rodríguez was promoted to Senior Lecturer effective June 2021 |
Suja Reyad Sawafta is guest editor of a special issue of The International Poetry Review entitled “The Arabic Poetry Issue: Revolution & Rebellion,”. |
Allison Schifani published her book entitled Urban Ecology and Intervention in the 21st Century Americas: Verticality, Catastrophe and the Mediated City (London: Routledge, 2021). |
Ómar Vargas published “The Physicist and His Ghosts: The Scientific Writing of Ernesto Sabato” in Ciberletras (2020), “Remedios in the Sky with Diamonds. Gabriel García Márquez and the Beatles in Their Own Write” Latin American Literary Review (2020), “Fabling about Infinity. The Arithmetization of Writing in Salvador Elizondo’s Grünewalda, o una fábula del infinito,” Latin American Research Review (2021) and “Fractalismo mágico: Gabriel García Márquez, Eréndira, el hombrecito de arena y el sueño de los cuartos infinitos” in Symposium Journal in Modern Literature (2021). He recently finished his book Cantidades hechizadas y silogísticas del sobresalto. La secreta ciencia de José Lezama Lima (forthcoming thru Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures in Fall 2021.) |
George Yúdice published “La circulación de música: digital y en directo,” in Iberoamérica: la cooperación cultura–comunicación en la era digital, edited by Enrique Bustamante. (Madrid: Biblioteca ‘Carmen Martín Gaite’, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2020) and “Qual o papel dos laboratórios culturais na sociedade pós‐pandemia?” Revista Observatório Itaú Cultural (2020). He is currently working on his forthcoming book Collaborative Discovery: Interaction of Saberes |
Susanna Allés Torrent was awarded an Andrew Mellon Foundation Grant, a Relief funding Award by the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship (OVPRS) and the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA), a Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities 2021-2022 and a Center for the Humanities Fellowship 2021-2022.
Chrissy Arce received a Quality Enhancement Plan Award for 2020-2021 and the Center for the Humanities Fellowship in 2021-2022. |
Steven Butterman was awarded aa Mellon CREATE Grant to organize the conference Documenting Diversity in Brazil that was held in Spring 2021. He also received the Fulbright Fellowship to conduct research in Brazil in 2021-2022. |
Christina Civantos received a Center for the Humnaities Fellowship for 2020-2021. |
Etsuko Collins received a Summer Research Award 2021. |
Logan Connors was awarded an NEH summer stipend and a Provost Research Award 2021-2022. |
Tracy Devine Guzmán received a UM Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities for AY 2021-22. |
Viviana Díaz Balsera is a Cooper Fellowship in the College of Arts and Sciences 2020-2023. |
Ager Gondra was awarded the Center for the Humanities Fellowship in 2021-2022. |
Cae Joseph-Masséna was awarded the Center for the Humanities Fellowship in 2021-2022. |
Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel was awarded a Mellon CREATE grant to co-teach MLL 721/ SPA 721/ HIS 697/ENG 695 “In/tangible Pedagogies: Building an Interdisciplinary and Holistic Curriculum on Archival Studies” with Béatrice Skokan, Amanda Moreno and Dr. Martin Tsang in Fall 2021. |
Gema Pérez Sánchez received a Quality Enhancement Plan Award for 2020-2021, the Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities 2021-2022, and the Fellowship for the Center for the Humanities (deferred to Fall 2022-Spring 2023). |
Allison Schifani was awarded a Quality Enhancement Plan for 2021-2022. |
Tracy Devine Guzmán, invited to co-edit with James Hatch an MLA Teaching Companion on Teaching Indigeneities Ager Gondra and language coordinators María Gracia Pardo, Tiffany Schinbach and Cecilia Vazquez-The Basic Spanish Language Program (BSLP) team redesigned SPA 101, 102, 105 and 201 courses and turned them into flipped classrooms. The BSLP team also chose a new textbook titled Conectados that includes an online language lab in which students’ complete assignments and have access to tutorials, additional activities, practice tests, etc. Elena Grau Llevería lead the changes in the major/minor in Spanish, first year back as Undergrad Chair, and she continues to make progress in her book. Cae Joseph-Masséna completed her first year at MLL and taught her first grad course. She also successfully nominated Dr. Daphne Brooks for the Stanford Lecture series sponsored by the Center for the Humanities. Lillian Manzor, Allison Schifani, Susanna Torres Allent and Lindsay Thomas-Oversaw the approval of the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities. Gema Pérez-Sánchez co-organized a Working Group on “Affective Approaches to the Study of Contemporary Spanish LGBTQ Culture” for the Seattle MLA Convention, with two colleagues from the University of Melbourne (Australia) and Florida State University, respectively. Catalina Quesada Gómez- her doctoral student Cristina Mondragón defended her dissertation at the Universidad de Berna and obtained the highest distinction. We also want to congratulate Chistina Civantos, Lillian Manzor, Chrissy Arce, Ralph Heyndels and George Yúdice, who have students who completed dissertations this year. Keynote speeches Chrissy Arce, Keynote Speaker, “Sounding Dissent: Migration and Revival of Mexican Folk Music as Communal Recognition and Social Action” (Re)Envisioning Borders & Communities: Alternative Narratives Amplified. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Ratón, October 25th 2019. George Yúdice was a keynote speaker in the series entitled “En qué piensan los expertos” organized by El museo Reimaginado, Centro Cultural y de Convenciones de Oaxaca, 20 de noviembre 2019. Congratulations to our two colleagues, Rebecca Doran and Aleksandra Perisic, who were recently tenured. Mojca Del Fabbro and Etsuko Collins were promoted to senior lecturer. Logan Connors, The Emergence of a Theatrical Sciene of Man in France, 1660-1740. Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2020. Andrew Lynch, Routledge Handbook of Spanish in the Global City. Routledge, 2019. Aleksandra Perisic, Precarious Crossings: Immigration, Neoliberalism, and the Atlantic. Ohio Tate University Press, 2019. Steven Butterman, Queering and Querying the Paradise of Paradox: LGBTQ Language, New Media and Visual Cultures in Modern-Day Brazil. Roman and Littlefield International. Book Contract. Ralph Heyndels, Autour d’Abdellah Taïa /Around Abdellah Taïa. Poétique et politique du désir engagé / Poetics and Politics of Engaged Desire, Passage(s), 2020, « Regards croisés ». Ralph Heyndels, Modernites, chagrin d'enfant. Essais sur Rimbaud. Editions Alain Baudry, Paris). Book in production. Ómar Vargas-Cantidades hechizadas y silogísticas del sobresalto: la secreta ciencia de Jose Lezama Lima. Purdue Romance Languages. Book in production. Susanna Allés Torrent won a University of Miami Fellowship for the Arts and Humanities Award to conduct research at the Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid, and was invited as visiting scholar (“chercheur resident”) at the French École Française de Rome (EFR). For next year, Susanna also received an award for her proposal “Digital Narratives of Covid-19,” Interview with à l’École de toute l'italie - blog about the scientific life of the École française de Rome Nadiyah Aamer received a UGrow Fellowship for the 2020-2021 academic year. Logan Connors received a fellowship from the Collegium of Lyon/Institute for Advanced Studies for Fall 2019-Spring 2020. Viviana Diaz Balsera was appointed Cooper Fellow in CAS for 2020-2023. Catalina Quesada won a 2020-2021 Engaged Faculty Fellows Program to design a service learning course entitled “Immigration and Exile (Multifocal Perspectives): Latinxs in South Florida”. Allison Schifani was awarded a University of Miami Fellowship in the Arts & Humanities Award for FY2021 Center for the Humanities Fellows- 2019-2020: Lorella Di Gregorio and Lilianne Lugo Herrera. 2020-2021: Christina Civantos, Dainerys Machado and Yolanda Martínez San Miguel, Steven Butterman received a Andrew W. Mellon CREATE Grant for a proposal entitled “Documenting Diversity and democracy in Brazil” Etsuko Collins received a grant from the Japan Foundation of Los Angeles, to Purchase Japanese books, videos and DVDs for instructional supplies. Lillian Manzor earned an Andrew W. Mellon CREATE Grant, “Intervisuality: Painters on Greater Cuba’s Stages.” Grant awarded to curate an exhibit titled 11 Intervisual Cubans / 11 Cubanos Intervisuales. Co-curated with Dainerys Machado Vento and students from ArtLab 2020. Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel received a Kislak Family Foundation Grant to co-sponsor the Early Americas Working Group conference entitled “Undercurrents:Caribbean (Im)Mobilities, from the Pre-Columbian Era to 1900” P.I. (conference co-organized with Ashli White and David Sartorious) at the University of Miami. Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Martin Tsang, Amanda Moreno and Beatrice Skokan won a CREATE Mellon Award to design a graduate course entitled “Im/material Pedagogies: Building and interdisciplinary and Holistic Curriculum on Archival Studies”Faculty Academic Accomplishments
Tenures, Promotions and Books
Awards, Fellowships and Grants