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  • MLL Accomplishments in 2018

    Christine Arce, 
    Associate Professor in Spanish, México’s Nobodies: The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women, won the MLA’s Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize for outstanding book.


  • MLL Accomplishments in 2017

    August 22, 2017 

    Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Professor & Martha S. Weeks Chair in Latin American Studies, and her co-editor Sarah Tobias, have been awarded the 2017 Sylvia Rivera Award in Transgender Studies for their book, Trans Studies: The Challenge to Hetero/ Homo Normativities. This award is presented by The Center for LGBTQ Studies (CLAGS) at CUNY’s Graduate Center.


    August 30, 2017

    Elena Bonmati Gonzalvez, Ph.D. Student in Spanish, has been awarded the 2017 Early Modern Essay Award for her essay titled "Colón y el arte de navegar: el barco como lugar de enunciación epistemológica en el Primer viaje de Cristóbal Colón."


    October 12, 2017

    Christine Arce, Associate Professor in Spanish, presented her recently published book, winner of the Victoria Urbano book prize, México’s Nobodies: The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women, at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. as part of the programming for Hispanic Heritage Month.

    May 6, 2017
    The University of Miami is the recipient of the American Organization of Teachers for Portuguese Award. The purpose of this award is to honor entities that promote the teaching of Portuguese language in Florida.

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2016

    June 2016
    Steve Butterman, Associate Professor in the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, has been interviewed by Brazilian newspaper O Globo on the Orlando massacre in the article 'Massacre em Orlando tornou evidente uma negação da homofobia.'

    August 13, 2016
    Gema Perez-Sanchez, Professor in Spanish, was quoted in The Advocate in regards to the work of Spanish Photographer David Trullo. 

    Click here to read more

    August 30, 2016
    Melyssa Haffaf
    , a Graduate Student in French, published an article title "America accepted me – an Algerian Muslim – in a way France never did" in The Guardian.

    September 6, 2016
    B. Christine Arce's forthcoming book, Mexico's Nobodies, received the Victoria Urbano Book Award from the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica.

    October 5, 2016
    Dainerys Machado Vento, Graduate Student in Romance Studies, featured in University of Miami News & Events: A Unique Cultural Perspective

    November 2, 2016
    Ellen Davies, Graduate Student in Romance Studies, was featured in The Miami Hurricane and the University of Miami Libraries' Blog for curating the University of Miami Libraries Special Collections' "Winner Takes All? Three Centuries of Games in Special Collections" exhibit.

    November 2, 2016
    The Portuguese Faculty & Program were featured in the University of Miami's eVeritas, "Portuguese Programs Bring Brazil to UM."

    April 6, 2016
    A Cultural Experience in Italy 
    UM College of Arts & Sciences undergraduate student Joshua Marzano to teach English abroad through selective volunteer program

    May 2016
    Special Report: Commencement Student Profiles

    Joshua Marzano

    Renee Reneau

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2015

    February 17, 2015
    La Florida: Five Hundred Years of Hispanic Presence, co-edited by MLL faculty member Viviana Diaz Balsera, won a Gold Medal at the 2014 Florida Book Awards in the Non-Fiction Category.

    February 25, 2015
    UM Students and Recent Grad to Represent U.S. as Student Ambassadors at World’s Fair Expo in Milan
    Two Students from College of Arts & Sciences and One from School of Communication were selected Among only 120 Youth Nationwide, inlcuding Italian Minor Student Grace Marinaro, who is majoring in creater advertising.


    June 2, 2015
    College of Arts & Sciences Beyond the Book Scholarships Extend Student Learning Outside the Classroom including Spanish Major Joshua Marzano.


    August 27, 2015
    The University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences Launches New “Alt-Ac” Program for Doctoral Students
    The UGrow program brings alternative career opportunities for graduate students beyond teaching in academia.

    September 12, 2015
    Melyssa Haffaf, Graduate Student in French, has been featured in the blog section of Le Huffington Post (France) for her article "Français, mais à condition?"

    Click here to read more

    October 9, 2015
    At University of Miami, Graduate Stipends Extend Beyond Teaching
    by Tim Watson


  • MLL Accomplishments in 2013


    Daniel F. Rivera was interviewed by Maria Elvira of 8 WGENTV Miami news about the exhumation of the body of the former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat as well as how Mahmoud Abbas' attempt to upgrade Palestinian status in the United Nations would affect the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Prof. Rivera also discussed the constitutional decree issued by the current President of Egypt, Muhammad Mursi, and the wave of social unrest as a result of this declaration.

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2012

    Recent Publications:

    Ralph Heyndels has published "Entretien avec Rene de Ceccatty" in Bon a tirer (Brussels: 2011); "Fragments sur l'esthetique, l'ethique et le desir dans les 'textes sur l'art' de Jean Genet" in Moncef Khemeri, Ecrire sur l'art, un art d'ecrire (Tunis: MRM, 2011); "Francois-Marie Banier" in Marie-Claude Hubert, Dictionnaire Beckett (Paris: Champion, 2011); "Ecrire (sur) soi, ecrire (sur) l'art", Preface to Ghita El Khayat, La femme artiste dans le monde arabe (Paris: de Broca, 2011); "Tanger a trois reprises" in Abdellah Taia, Jean Genet, un saint marocain (Tangier: Nejma. Librairie des Colonnes, 2011); "Nuit politique du desir: l'engagement amoureux de Jean Genet", in Hadrien Laroche, Jean Genet, Colloque du Centenaire (Paris: MEET, 2011); "Les Noirs sur la blancheur livide, ou le sens possible de l'Amerique selon Jean Genet" in Sylvain Menant, Les Ameriques des ecrivains francais (Geneva:Droz, 2011).

    Ralph Heyndels has published in LES MOMENTS LITTERAIRES (Paris) a comprehensive critical reading of RENE DE CECCATTY's narrative work under the title "LE REVE, LA REMINISCENCE, LA PASSION." His essay entitled " ' AU MAROC, NAGUERE...: OU COMMENT (NE PAS) LIRE 'INCIDENTS' " will appear in May in ROLAND BARTHES ET LE MAROC, at the Editions du Seuil, Paris.

    Conferences and Colloquia:

    Ralph Heyndels has lectured at Humboldt University, Berlin, and the University of Malta. He has been invited to give a series of lectures at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia.

    Ralph Heyndels has organized the international symposium on "Les captivites amoureuses de Jean Genet / Jean Genet's Amorous Captivities", along with the "Literary Translation" international conference, both at the University of Miami.

    Ralph Heyndels will present a plenary talk at the conference on "COLONISATIONS ET ECHANGES CULTURELS" at M'Sick University in Casablanca, Morocco, and give two lectures at this university, one in French for the Department of French and Francophone Studies and the other in English for the Department of American Studies. I will also lecture at the University of El Jedida and at the Institut Francais of Rabat. In June, he will present a plenary talk at the conference on "REVISITER LE SILENCE DE RIMBAUD" at the University of Malta.

    Awards and Distinctions:

    Viviana Díaz-Balsera received and award from the Florida Humanities Council as principal investigator and director of the conference "Florida at the Crossroads: 500 Years of Encounters, Conflicts and Exchanges" to be held at the University of Miami on February 9-11, 2012.

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2011

    Recent Publications:

    Heather Allen has co-authored an article with Kate Paesani that appeared in Fall 2010 in L2 Journal entitled "Exploring the feasibility of a pedagogy of multiliteracies in introductory foreign language courses." Allen also authored an article published in the most recent issue of the ADFL Bulletin entitled "Moving beyond the language-literature divide: Advanced pedagogy for tomorrow's foreign language professors."

    Steve Butterman,  Tracy Devine-Guzman, and Lillian Manzor are featured in the Spring 2011 issue of UM’s ‘Arts and Sciences’ magazine, which contains several articles on the topic “Expanding Knowledge of Latin America."

    Anne J. Cruz's co-translation of Chimalpahin’s Conquest: A Nahua Historian’s Rewriting of Francisco López de Gómara’s La conquista de México (Ed. and trans., Susan Schroeder, Anne J. Cruz, Cristián Roa-de-la-Carrera, and David Tavárez) has been published by Stanford University Press. The translation was awarded an NEH collaborative grant for the period 2006 - 2009.

    Ralph Heyndels' edited book on LES ECRIVAINS FRANCAIS ET LE MONDE ARABE has been published (Geneva: Droz, 2010). It contains Heyndels's own introduction along with 30 contributions by scholars from France, the United States, Canada, Greece, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, covering all periods of French literature from the Middle Ages until today, and includes an essay on Gide by David Ellison.

    Ralph Heyndels' edited book entitled LES PASSIONS DE JEAN GENET / JEAN GENET'S PASSIONS will appear soon (Paris: Alain Baudry & Cie / Fasano: Schena Editore, 2010). It is volume 10 of the series "Transatlantique" co-directed by Heyndels in the prestigious "Biblioteca della Ricerca". It contains an interview with Tahar Ben Jelloun, a text by Abdellah Taia, and essaye in French and in English by scholars from France, the United States, Tunisia, Morocco, and the United Kingdom, including contributions from MLL's David Ellison, Subha Xavier, Arthur Tang, and UM Film program's William Rothman.

    Ralph Heyndels' essay "On ne part pas, ou les chats du cafe Hafa: Partir, de Tahar Ben Jelloun" has appeared in Annali della Facolta de Lingue e Letterature Straniere
    (Bari: University of Bari Press, 2010). His essay on Abdellah Taia entitled "L'amour evidemment. Ecriture de la scene passionnelle et scene passionnelle de l'ecriture" has appeared in Ridha Boukris, Rhetorique de la passion dans la litterature du Maghreb (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2010). "Variations sur un mirage " and "Image, Imaginaire, Imaginal" have appeared in Les Ecrivaind francais et le monde arabe and in Les Passions de Jean Genet, respectively.

    Professor Andrew Lynch’s book El español en contacto con otras lenguas, co-authored with Professor Carol Klee (University of Minnesota), was published by Georgetown University Press in late 2009. This book explores the historical and social factors that have shaped contact varieties of the Spanish language, synthesizing the principle arguments and theories about language contact, and examining linguistic changes in Spanish phonology, morphology and syntax, and pragmatics.

    Professor Andrew Lynch recently published two articles on linguistic variation in Miami Cuban Spanish: “A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Final /s/ in Miami Cuban Spanish” ( ) in the journal Language Sciences, Volume 31, and “Expression of Cultural Standing in Miami: Cuban Spanish Discourse about Fidel Castro and Cuba” ( in the Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, Volume 14.

    Eduardo Negueruela published an article on English and Spanish thinking-for-speaking patterns and second language communication in one of the leading journal of Spain: Revista de Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 2010. The article is titled:Huellas del pensamiento verbal en la publicidad de Miami: los verbos de movimiento en inglés y español".

    Eduardo Negueruela has recently published an extensive chapter in the volume Hispanismo y Lingüística on metaphorical representations of the human mind for the second language classroom titled: (2010) “Metáforas de la mente y enseñanza de idiomas: Principios básicos para un enfoque conceptual basado en la teoría sociocultural de la mente humana”.

    Eduardo Negueruela has an accepted chapter titled:  “Internalization and Second Language Acquisition: Social Perspectives” in the 12 volume article Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics to be published in 2011 by Wiley-Blackwell.

    Eduardo Negueruela published a poem in Edited Collection titled:  “Tengo la luna clavada en la garganta”, En Mayor Marsans, M. (eds). Homage to Miguel Hernandez in His Centenial. Coleccion Caminos de la poesía. Baquiana: Miami (2010).

    Conferences and Colloquia:

    Heather Allen has been invited to deliver plenary presentations at two national conferences during the 2010-2011 school year. At the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference in November 2010, she will deliver a presentation on a plenary panel on the Communities Standard (National Standards for Foreign Language Learning) related to her research on motivation and study abroad. At the International Language Teacher Education Conference in May 2010, she will co-present a plenary lecture with Béatrice Dupuy (University of Arizona) related to their current project funded by the U.S. Department of Education on foreign language teacher development. Both presentations will be posted at

    Anne J. Cruz gave an invited keynote speech at the University of Valladolid on "The Many Lives of Luisa de Carvajal" June 15, 2010. She also presented a paper at the Asociacio'n Internacional de Hispanistas, Rome, July 17 - 24, on "Tirso de Molina: Feminista?" She was appointed a member of the AIH's Comite' de seleccio'n de candidatos.

    Ralph Heyndels has presented plenary papers at the conference on "Roland Barthes et le Maroc" at Moulay Ismael University, Meknes (May, 2010); at the conference on "Jean Genet: du roman au theatre" at the University of Provence, Aix-en-Provence (June, 2010) and at the Entretiens de Fontevrault on Jean Genet (June, 2010). He has been invited to be the inaugural speaker of the conference on "Jean Genet et les Arts" at the Ecole Normale Superieure and the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris (November, 2010), and will present a plenary paper at the conference on "Jean Genet et l'Amerique" at New York University (November, 2010).

    Ralph Heyndels was the invited speaker of honor at the celebration of the 100d anniversary of the birth of Jean Genet organized at the occasion of Palestine's Day of the Catastrophe, in Larache, Morocco, by the Cultural branch of the P.L.O. and the Embassy of Palestine in Morocco, and hosted by the Association Marocaine de Solidarite avec le Peuple Palestinien (May, 2010). He was also invited lecturer at the University Mohamed V of Rabat, and the universities of Kenitra and El Jedila.

    Professor Andrew Lynch gave two different talks on the topic of conceptualizing ‘communities’ in the Spanish-speaking United States at important European sociolinguistics conferences in 2010: in April at the Conference on Preserving the Future: Sustainability of Language, Culture and Nature organized by the Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages at the University of Iceland (Reykjavik), and in September at Sociolinguistics Symposium 18, considered Europe’s premier conference on issues of language in society, held at the University of Southampton, UK.

    In Fall 2010, Eduardo Negueruela presented a paper titled: “Transformative Research and the Significance of Time: Forgetting Chronos and Capturing Kairos” at the 2010 meeting of the Sociocultual Theory Meeting organized and sponsored by Columbia University and Barnard College.

    Eduardo Negueruela gave an invited talk at Columbia University, Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures titled: “From Inception to Conception: Concepts as Psychological Tools of Instruction for the Spanish Foreign Language Classroom”. In this presentation, based on a book chapter of his book: Second Language Development and the Sociocultural Mind, Prof. Negueruela argues for the importance of mindful awareness when teaching communication and culture in the language classroom.

    Eduardo Negueruela gave an invited talk sponsored by the Distinguished Visitor Program and the Department of Spanish at Haverford College titled: “Back to the Future: a Sociocultural Representation of the Human Mind for the Foreign Language Classroom”.  In this presentation, Prof. Negueruela sketches a sociocultural representation of the human mind proposing the principle of creative onto-consciousness as central to understanding language learning in formal settings.


    Awards and Distinctions:

    Heather Allen and Kate Paesani (Wayne State University have received a Research Priorities Grant from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages related to the organization's new initiative to develop a set of research priorities for U.S. foreign language education. Allen and Paesani will conduct a literature review entitled "Merging Language and Content in the Undergraduate Foreign Language Curriculum: Approaches, Findings, and Implications" and will have the review published in Foreign Language Annals.

    Heather Allen and Béatrice Dupuy, Associate Professor of French at the University of Arizona, are co-PIs of a grant that has received Title VI funding, as well as additional funding from the American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators, and Directors of Foreign Language Programs. The project, Professional Development for College Foreign Language Teachers, will develop a set of topic-based modules for the professional development of FL TAs in a variety of languages and teaching contexts using a multiliteracies approach. At UM, Heather Allen will begin implementing these modules during the grant cycle (2010-14) in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Portuguese.

    Established by Dr. Lillian Manzor and the University of Miami Libraries, the University of Miami has received the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant to Develop Innovative Scholarly Resource on Cuban Theater. View the following PDF to view the Press Release for this accomplishment.

    Christina Civantos was awarded the NEH Fellowship for 2010-2011 (12 months) For Critical Introduction and Translation of a Lebanese novel. It was featured in the Fall 2010 Arts & Sciences Magazine.

    David Ellison was awarded "Officier dans l'ordre des Palmes Academiques" by the French government for "Service to French culture" in 2011.

    Dr. Lillian Manzor and Kyle Rimkus (University of Miami, College of Arts and Sciences and the Richter Library) were awarded a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for: "Establishing a Sustainable Infrastructure for the Cuban Theater Digital Archive" (2010-2011).

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2010

    Recent Publications:

    Heather Allen has two forthcoming publications on the role of motivation in shaping study abroad experiences, the first to be published in the Journal of Studies in International Education and the second to be published in a special issue of Foreign Language Annals dedicated to issues of language learning in study abroad.

    Anne J. Cruz's co-translation of Chimalpahin’s Conquest: A Nahua Historian’s Rewriting of Francisco López de Gómara’s La conquista de México (Ed. and trans., Susan Schroeder, Anne J. Cruz, Cristián Roa-de-la-Carrera, and David Tavárez) has been published by Stanford University Press. The translation was awarded an NEH collaborative grant for the period 2006 - 2009.

    Professor Anne Cruz's essay “Don Quijote, la duquesa, y la crísis de la aristocracia”  was published in USA Cervantes: 39 Cervantistas de   Estados Unidos, edited by  Georgina Dopico-Black and Francisco Layna (Madrid: Polifemo, 2009). She has also published the essay “Words Made Flesh: Luisa de Carvajal’s Eucharistic Poetry, ”  in Studies of Women’s Poetry of the Golden Age, edited by Julián Olivares (London: Tamesis, 2009).

    'The Rule of Women in Early Modern Europe' co-edited by Anne Cruz and Mihoko Suzuki was published this month by the University of Illinois Press.
    This volume was the product of the 2005 MLL Annual Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque symposium.

    Laura Giannetti has recently published three articles:

    “Renaissance Food-Fashioning or the Triumph of Greens,” California Italian Studies,

         Volume 1 Issue 2 (2009-2010): 1-16. Online at:

    “Alla mensa dei poeti burleschi: parodia letteraria e interpretazione di culture” Actae Histriae,  17.1-2 (2009): 141-150.

    “Ma che potrà succedermi se io donna amo una donna?” Renaissance Drama Special Issue: “Italy and the Drama of Europe” edited by Albert Russell Ascoli and William West. New Series 36/37 (2010): 97-123.

    Laura Giannetti's book, Lelia’s Kiss: Imagining Gender, Sex and Marriage in Italian Renaissance Comedy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009) was published in November 2009.

    Ralph Heyndels has published « Diversité culturelle et métissage identitaire » in Mohammed Salhi and Aziz Daki, Musiques du monde et diversité culturelle (Casablanca : Aïni Bennaï, 2009, Collection <Humanités>) ; « Travail du deuil, pulsion du désir et scène identitaire. De L’Enfant ébloui à Ce qui reste : l’autofiction de Rachid O. » in Moncef Khemeri, Autobiographie et autofiction dans la littérature française du Xxème siècle (Tunis : Revue tunisienne des langues vivantes, 14, 2009) ; «Salammbô : Tristesse de Flaubert et désespoir historique », in Ali Abassi, Flaubert à Tunis, Tunis : Sahar / Publications de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, 2009).

    Prof. Negueruela published a poem in the online Creative Writing Journal “Los noveles” titled: “Antropología. Y no queda otra que quemarse”. Revista de literatura Los Noveles, Año IX Número, 39,  Marzo-Abril 2010.

    Michael G. Paulson has published an article, "L'Intertextualité chez Gabrielle Roi et Reinaldo Arenas" in L'Echo de nos classiques: lBonheur d'occasion et Two Sollitudes en traduction. Ed. Agnès Whitfield.  Ottowa:  Editions David  (Collection "Voix Savantes"), 2009.

    Maria Stampino's edition and translation of Lucrezia Marinella's "Enrico, or Byzantium Conquered" appeared in The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe series for the U of Chicago Press.

    Conferences and Colloquia:

    Anne J. Cruz gave an invited keynote speech at the University of Valladolid on "The Many Lives of Luisa de Carvajal" June 15, 2010. She also presented a paper at the Asociacio'n Internacional de Hispanistas, Rome, July 17 - 24, on "Tirso de Molina: Feminista?" She was appointed a member of the AIH's Comite' de seleccio'n de candidatos.

    Professor Anne Cruz was invited as plenary speaker at the symposium "Sacred and Profane at the Early Modern Hispanic World," as part of the exhibition "Sacred Spain: Art and Belief in the Spanish World," hosted by the Indianapolis Museum of Art and Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, October 16-17, 2009.  She has organized a round table on "New Poetry, New Worlds," at the biannual conference of the Society of Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, November 5-7, 2009.

    Ralph Heyndels presented the key note lecture on  “Engagement, désir et théâtralité chez Jean Genet” at a special colloquium on Jean Genet part of the 2009 45th Festival International de Hammamet, Tunisia, in July 2009.

    Ralph Heyndels organized and moderated with Gema Perez Sanchez the book presentation of Salvation Army by Moroccan writer Abdellah Taïa at Books and Books. He organized and chaired a panel discussion on The Literary Uses of French in Africa and the Caribbean with Franz-Joseph Large (Haiti), Léonora Miano (Cameroon) and Abdellah Taïa at the 2009 Miami Book Fair International. He participated with David Ellison and Lillian Manzor to a panel discussion on The Sixties: An International Perspective at the University of Miami.

    Three upcoming presentations are to take place at Books and Books in Coral Gables:

    Wednesday September 30: Anne Cruz and Mihoko Suzuki, 'The Rule of Women in Early Modern Europe' (University of Illinois Press). Monday December 7: Maria Galli Stampino, 'Enrico, or Byzantium Conquered by Lucrezia Marinella' (University of Chicago Press). Wednesday January 27 2010: Laura Giannetti, 'Lelia's Kiss: Imagining Gender, Sex, and Marriage in Italian Renaissance Comedy' (University of Toronto Press).

    In Spring 2010, Eduardo Negueruela presented a paper titled: “Patrones de pensamiento lingüístico en los anuncios en Miami” at the X International Conference on Bilingualism at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.

    Tracy Devine Guzmán participated in the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar at the McNickle Center for Indigenous Studies (Newberry Library, Chicago): (2010).


    Awards and Distinctions:

    Anne J. Cruz was appointed a member of the AIH's Comite' de seleccio'n de candidatos.

    Anne J. Cruz was awarded an NEH collaborative grant for the period 2006 - 2009 for her co-translation of Chimalpahin’s Conquest: A Nahua Historian’s Rewriting of Francisco López de Gómara’s La conquista de México

    Professor Anne Cruz received the 2009 William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor of the Year award from the  McKnight Graduate Fellowship Program.

    Ralph Heyndels, on the invitation of the Tunisian Ministry of Culture, was the Summer 2009 Scholar in Residence at the Villa Sebastian in Hammamet.

    Subha Xavier mentored our student Julianna Ferro for the 'Beyond the Books' award!

    Tracy Devine Guzmán was awarded the José María Arguedas Prize for best article, Peru Section, Latin American Studies Association (2010).

    Dr. Lillian Manzor and the University of Miami Libraries were awarded the
    "Planning Support Grant for the UM Cuban Theater Digital Archive" from the
    Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (2009-2010).

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2009

    Recent Publications:

    Anne J. Cruz has edited Symbolic and Material Circulation between Spain and England, 1554-1604 (Ashgate Press, 2008); and  Approaches to Teaching  Lazarillo de Tormes and the Picaresque Tradition (Modern Language Association, 2008).

    Yvonne Gavela's article "Aunque tú no lo sepas: La mirada de Juan Vicente Córdoba a 'El vocabulario de los balcones' de Almudena Grandes" has been published in Hesperia. Anuario de filología hispánica, vol. XI-2 (2008).

    Yvonne Gavela's article: "El acto colectivo de recordar: Historia y fantasía en El espíritu de la colmena y El laberinto del fauno" will be published by the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.

    In 2008 Ralph Heyndels has been guest editor with Christopher Pinet of La Belgique et la Suisse. Littératures et cultures francophones de Belgique et de Suisse, The French Review. He has published « Écrire le tombeau de Jean Genet. Instants rêvés dans le cimetière espagnol de Larache : Abdellah Taïa et Rachid O. », in Frieda Ekotto, Aurélie Renaud, Agnès Vannouvong, Toutes les images du langage. Jean Genet, Paris : Alain Baudry & Cie / Fasano : Schena Editore, and « La photographie, l’écrivain, la légende, et la mort (Banier, Barthes, Beckett) », in Travaux de Littérature XX, Geneva : Droz.

    Eduardo Negueruela has been selected as the winner of "Nuevos valores de la poesía hispana 2008", a competition sponsored by Baquiana and the Centro Cultural Español. His book of poetry will be published by Baquiana with a print run of 500 copies.

    Professor Emerita, Barbara Woshinsky's book, Imagining Convent Spaces in France, 1600-1800, has been accepted by Ashgate Press. 

    Subha Xavier's article "China and its Other: The Economy of Writing in Dai Sijie's Le Complexe de Di” will be published in Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies’ September 2008 issue entitled “Asia and the Other” (vol. 34, No. 2 ).

    Subha Xavier’s co-edited volume with Papa Samba-Diop (Paris XII) entitled “La littérature migrante subsaharienne” will be published by Éditions Dominique Guéniot, Paris 2009.

    Conferences and Colloquia:

    Marc Brudzinski presented a lecture as the second keynote speaker titled, "In or Out: Belonging in the Hispanic Caribbean Literature", for the AY2009 Modern Languages and Literatures Graduate Student Conference, "Microcosms and Macrocosms: Inner and Outer Spaces in Texts", on March 27-28, 2009.

    Christina Civantos has presented her paper "The Afterlife of Ibn Rushd: 20th Century Latin American and Arab Representations" as part of the American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies conference on April 24-25, 2009.

    Anne J. Cruz was invited keynote speaker at the conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland held at Queen’s University Belfast, Nothern Ireland, in April, 2009.

    Tracy Devine Guzmán presented a paper entitled, "Educating ‘Our Indians’ in ‘Our America’: Anti-Imperialist Imperialism and the Construction of Brazilian Modernity" on April 3, 2009 as part of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures' Faculty Lecture Series for April 2009.

    In 2008 Ralph Heyndels has co-organized with Konstantia Kontaxis a conference on Chantal Akerman and the Disclosure of the Everyday, University of Miami School of Communication. He has presented the following papers: Multiculturalité et identité métisse, at the Conference of the Royal World Music Festival « Mawazine », Rabat; Entremêlements narratifs sur la tombe de Jean Genet. Scène de l’écriture et identité chez Abdellah Taïa et Rachid O. , at the Conference on « Les Écrivains français au carrefour des cultures », University of Paris IV-Sorbonne ; Tristesse de Flaubert et désespoir historique , at the Conference on « Le 150ème Anniversaire de la visite de Flaubert à Tunis », Ecole Normale Supérieure of Tunis ; «  Il faut être absolument moderne ». La modernité, l’art et l’Europe à partir de Rimbaud at the Conference of the « Forum Européen de l’Essai sur l’Art », Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris. He has been an invited guest lecturer at the University of Sousse and at the University of Paris VII, among other institutions.

    Eduardo Negueruela presented a paper titled, "Detectives in the Classroom: L2 Development and the Sociocultural Mind," on April 10, 2009 as part of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures' Faculty Lecture Series for April 2009.

    Subha Xavier has presented a paper titled, "From ‘littérature-monde’ to ‘littérature migrante’: Towards a Theory of Migrant Literature in French" on April 24, 2009 as part of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures' Faculty Lecture Series for April 2009.

    Awards and Distinctions:

    Heather Allen has received a James W. McLamore Research Award in Business and Social Sciences for use in summer 2009.

    Anne Cruz has received the Max Orovitz award for summer 2009.

    Gema Perez-Sanchez has received a fellowship from the University of Miami's recently created Humanities Center.

    Markus Zisselsberger has received the Max Orovitz award for summer 2009.

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2008

    Recent Publications:

    Heather Allen’s qualitative study of French and Italian Teaching Assistants’ beliefs and practices regarding textbook materials will be published in the  Spring/Summer issue of the NECTFL (Northeast Conference for the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Review. The article is entitled “Textbook Materials and Foreign Language Teaching: Perspectives from the Classroom.”

    Heather Allen's essay entitled "A Multiple Literacies Approach to the Advanced French Writing Course" which posits literacy as a framing construct for advanced-level foreign language writing courses will be published in the French Review in 2009.

    Christina Civantos was invited to publish her essay "Ali Bla Bla: Carlos Menem and the Public Negotiation of an Arab Argentine Identity" in The Cultural Politics of the Middle East in the Americas, Evelyn Alsultany and Ella Shohat, eds., University of Michigan Press, Forthcoming 2008.

    Anne J. Cruz's invited article, "The Pícaro meets Don Quixote: The Spanish picaresque and the origins of the modern novel," has appeared in the special issue "Remapping the rise of the European novel" of Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century, 10 (2007): 127-137.

    Anne J. Cruz's recent publications include "Gendering the Disenfranchised: Down, Out and Female in Early Modern Spain," in Living Dangerously in Early Modern Europe, ed. Barbara Hanawalt and Anna Grotans (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007); and "Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza" in Cinco siglos de poesía escrita por mujeres: pautas poéticas y revisiones críticas. Ed. Dolores Romero et al. (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).

    Ralph Heyndels has published the eighth volume of the series Transatlantique co-directed with Giovanni Dotoli in the Biblioteca della Ricerca of Schena Editore / Presses de l'Universite de Paris-Sorbonne. The volume, "Jean Rouch: A Celebration of Life and Film," edited by UM Professor of Motion Pictures William Rothman, contains the essay by MLL doctoral candidate Myriam Mompoint "Jean Rouch: Expanding the Vernacular of Ethnographic Film." The volume will be presented at Books and Books of Coral Gables as part of the closing activities of the International Symposium on "Les Passions de / The Passions of Jean Genet," organized by Dr. Heyndels at the University of Miami November 17-19.

    Ralph Heyndels has recently published "Ontologie de l'Ange gardien" in Traversées and "Nostalgie de la nostalgie des saisons" in Traces d'encre. He is guest co-editor of a special issue on current trends in Francophone literatures and cultures from Belgium and Switzerland to be published by the journal French Studies. His essay entitled "Beckett, Banier, Barthes. La photographie, l'ecrivain, la legende, et la mort" appeared in Le statut litteraire de l'ecrivain, ed. Lise Sabourin (Travaux de Litterature, XX, Geneva: Droz, 2007).

    Ralph Heyndels has been named editor of the 2010 issue of Travaux de Littérature (Geneva:Droz) on the topic of "Les écrivains français et le monde arabe." His essay "Travail du deuil, pulsion du désir et scène de l'écriture: l'autofiction de Rachid O. » will appear in L'Autofiction, ed. Moncef Khemiri (Tunis : Presses de l'Université de la Manouba). Another essay, « Image, imaginaire, imaginal : les textes <sur l'art> de Jean Genet » will appear in Ecrire (sur) l'art, ed. Ali Toumiabiassi (Tunis : Presses de l'ENS).

    Annalisa Mosca contributed and compiled the content for the December website of the Technology and Telematics commission for the American Association of teachers of French. Her sections are the “Idea of the Month,” the “Just for Fun” and the “Tech tip of the month” on the document camera.

    Dr. Eduardo Negueruela has two extended book chapters to be published in edited volumes in 2008. One titled: “Revolutionary Pedagogies: Learning that leads development in the second language classroom” to be published in a referee edited volume titled Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Teaching by Equinox Publishers. The chapter theorizes the process of second language acquisition as conceptual development mediated by semiotic tools. The other piece is a chapter, coauthored with James Lantolf, and focusing on gesture and second language communication titled: “The Dialectics of Gesture in the Construction of Meaning in Second Language Oral Narratives”, which is part of a referee edited volume titled Gesture and Language Learning by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers.

    Gema Pérez-Sanchez has published her new book Queer Transitions in Contemporary Spanish Culture: From Franco to “la movida”. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2007.

    Gema Pérez-Sánchez has just published her essay, “One Big Queer European Family? Immigration in Contemporary Spanish Gay and Lesbian Films.” In 21st-Century Gay Culture. Ed. David A. Powell. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 70-84.

    Barbara Woshinsky has published "Convent Parleys: Listening to Women's Voices in Madame de Villedieu's Mémoires de la vie de Henriette-Sylvie de Moliére," in The Cloister and the World: Early Modern Convent Voices, ed. Thomas M. Carr, Jr., EMF Studies in Early Modern France, vol. 11 (Charlottesville: Rockwood Press, 2007), 167-185.

    Conferences and Colloquia

    Tracy Adams is presenting her paper titled, "Visualizing Isabeau of Bavaria, the Mediator Queen," at our 17th Annual Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Symposium, hosted by the University of Miami's Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.

    In October 2007, Heather Allen will give an invited talk at the University of Pittsburgh's European Studies Center entitled "Motives, Goals, and the Study Abroad Experience: Student Perspectives," presenting results of a qualitative study conducted in Summer of 2006 with University of Pittsburgh French students in Nantes, France.

    In December 2007, Heather Allen and Eduardo Negueruela will be presenting, “Teacher Cognition and Dynamic Assessment in the University FL Context,” at the Modern Language Association 123rd Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. In October 2007, they will present, “Promoting Pedagogical Expertise in Graduate Students: Dynamic Assessment and Teacher Training,” at the 14th Annual Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning Research Working Group, Tucson, AZ.

    Dr. Butterman was selected to present his work at the following conferences during the fall 2007 semester: Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Montreal: “Referring and Refereeing Alternative Sexualities: Deconstructing Monolithic Paradigms of Homosexuality in the Reference Genre in Contemporary Brazilian Literature.” Brazilian Society for Cinema and Audiovisual Studies (SOCINE) in Rio de Janeiro: “Cinema marginal: Subversion and Reconstruction of Brazilian National Identity During Dictatorship.” Modern Language Association (MLA) in Chicago: “’Meu Deus do céu, não tenho nada a dizer’: Teaching the Sound of Silence in Clarice Lispector.”

    Christina Civantos was invited to present material from her book, Between Argentines and Arabs: Argentine Orientalism, Arab Immigrants, and the Writing of Identity, at the May 2008 Symposium on Middle Eastern Communities in Latin America, organized by the Latin American Institute and the Center for Near Eastern Studies of the University of California at Los Angeles.

    Christina Civantos presented "Reading and Writing the Egyptian Woman Intellectual: Nabawiyya Musa's Ta'rikhi bi-Qalami" at the November 2007 Middle East Studies Association Conference. She has been invited by the Cornell University Departments of Romance Studies and Near Eastern Studies to present two lectures in April 2008: "The Others of Argentine Modernismo: Modernization, the Orient, and Arab Immigration" and "Identifying (with) Ibn Rushd: Representations in Borges, Chahine, and Hussin."


    Anne J. Cruz will present "La poe'tica de la memoria en Petrarca y Garcilaso," at the Biannual Conference of the Society of Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Universidad de Co'rdoba, Spain, October 17-20, 2007. She is currently President of the SRBHP and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Society's journal, Cali'ope.

    Adabel Díaz-Rivera presented her paper, “Las estrategias textuales de la representación de Tenochtitlán y el Cuzco como grandes ciudades en las crónicas coloniales,” at Florida International University's SEXTA CONFERENCIA BIANUAL DE ESTUDIOS CULTURALES ESPAÑOLES Y LATINOAMERICANOS held February 29 - March 1, 2008.

    Recent scholarly activities of David Ellison include: a conference paper entitled “Le dernier Camus et la Méditerranée,” delivered in Dunkirk, France, at an international colloquium sponsored by the Revue des Sciences Humaines on the topic “Albert Camus contemporain” (May 2007); an article, “Balbec or Baalbek: Proust’s Uncanny Orient,” published in Arabic translation in Cairo, Egypt, in Akhbar Aladab [Literary News] (February 2007); an article, “Withheld Identity in La Chute,” included in The Cambridge Companion to Camus (2007); an essay, “Proust et la traduction,” published in Montevideo, Uruguay, by Libreria Linardi y Risso (2007); and the guest editorship of the Fall-Winter 2007 issue of Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, on the topic “Situating French/Situer le français.”

    Yvonne Gavela presented her paper, “Pastiche y parodia en el Madrid post-movida de Gabriela Bustelo en Veo Veo,” at Florida International University's SEXTA CONFERENCIA BIANUAL DE ESTUDIOS CULTURALES ESPAÑOLES Y LATINOAMERICANOS held February 29 - March 1, 2008.

    Laura Giannetti will present a paper titled, "Alla mensa dei poeti burleschi: parodia letteraria e interpretazione di culture" at an International conference organized by the University of Venice and the University of Primorka in Koper Slovenia (September 26-29, 2007). Laura Giannetti is also a member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee.

    Ralph Heyndels is the co-organizer with the Miami Beach Cinematheque of “The World of Bruno Dumont “(November 2007), a month long film series dedicated to the French film director. He has also been invited by the Miami International Book Fair (November 8-12, 2007) to conduct an interview with Moroccan writer Abdellah Taia at the Francophone Pavilion, and by France Cinema Miami (November 9-10, 2007) to participate in a panel on “Situating French Cinema in the United States Today”. In late Spring 2008, he will be a Research Scholar in Residence at the Universities of Tunis and Tel Aviv.

    Ralph Heyndels presented the keynote lecture on "L'imaginaire et l'imaginal de Jean Genet" at the international conference on Ecrire (sur) l'Art organized in April 2007 by the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Tunis. He lectured on "Rencontres littéraires sur la tombe de Genet" at the Institut Français of Marrakech and on "Le travail du deuil et la scène de l'écriture chez Rachid O" at the Universities of Algiers and Tunis-La Manouba. In early May 2007, he presented a plenary paper on « Cocteau, Genet et l'Italie » at the conference on Cocteau et l'Italie organized by the University of Naples L'Orientale, and lectured on Rachid O at the Institut Français of Naples. In July 2007, he was the invited lecturer of honor at the presentation of the issue on "Parfums et senteurs" of the Italian review Le Jardin des Muses, in Bari, Italy.

    Dr. Heyndels is the organizer of the forthcoming international conference on <Les passions de Jean Genet> (University of Miami, November 14-17), and a member of the Organizing Committee of the international conference on Flaubert to be organized in April 2008 by the Univertsity of Paris IV - Sorbonne and the University of Tunis, in Carthage, Tunisia, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Flaubert's travel to Tunisia. He will present papers at both events. He will also present an invited paper on "Entremelements: scenario identitaire et pulsion du desir chez Rachid O et Abdellah Taia" at the international conference on "La litterature francaise au croisement des cultures" to be organized at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, under the patronage of the Academie Francaise and the UNESCO, in March 2008.

    Ralph Heyndels presented a paper on « Entremêlements narratifs sur la tombe de Jean Genet : Rachid O. et Abdellah Taia » at the conference "Les écrivains français au carrefour des cultures" organized by the ADIREL, the Académie Française and UNESCO at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne. In April he will present a paper on « Tristesse de Flaubert et désespoir historique : Salammbô », at the conference "Le 150 ème anniversaire de la venue de Flaubert en Tunisie" organized by the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Tunis and the University of Tunis, in conjunction with the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne, in Carthage (Tunisia). He will also lecture at the University of Sousse (Tunisia), the Institut Français de Tunis, and, in Algeria, at the University of Algiers and the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Algiers. In May, he will be plenary speaker at the International Festival of Mazawine, Rabat, organized under the auspices of King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

    Annalisa Mosca presented “Mastering the Undergroung Web” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, in April 2007, in the Language Technology Section. She was also elected president of FATI, the Florida Association of Teachers of Italian.

    Annalisa Mosca in October presented together with colleague Magda Novelli, at the upcoming Florida Foreign Language Conference in Orlando, FL. The title of the activity-based workshop they held was “Love is…using famous Love Stories to stimulate interest in the target language.”

    In October 2007, Dr. Eduardo Negueruela has been invited to present a plenary conference at the III Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Hispánica in Spain. The title of his plenary is: Metáforas de la mente humana y adquisición de segundas lenguas: Una aproximación conceptual.

    During 2007, Gema Pérez-Sanchez, gave two invited presentations, titled “One Big Queer European Family? Immigration in Contemporary Spanish Gay Films,” at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California-Irvine, on 14 May 2007, and at Department of Hispanic Studies and Italian, School of Modern Languages, Queen Mary, University of London, London, 22 June 2007.

    Gema Pérez-Sánchez presented her paper, “Walking, Drawing, Queering Madrid in Rodrigo’s Comic Book Manuel,” at Florida International University's SEXTA CONFERENCIA BIANUAL DE ESTUDIOS CULTURALES ESPAÑOLES Y LATINOAMERICANOS held February 29 - March 1, 2008.

    Barbara Woshinsky will be chairing a session in the Seventeenth Century French Literature Division at the MLA in December, entitled "Dissonant Dénouements." In April, 2008, she will be chairing another session at the North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, on the topic of "Nourritures Célestes." She has also been invited to deliver a talk at UCLA in March, as part of their "Spaces of the Self" colloquium series.

    Subha Xavier presented a paper entitled "Le désir militant: Genet, Ben Jelloun et la défense des immigrés" at the Jean Genet International Symposium at the University of Miami (November 2007). She also presented a paper on "La poétique du trauma chez Leïla Sebbar" at the KCTOS International Conference in Vienna (December 2007). In March 2008, she will give a presentation titled  "The Migrant Text within Limits: Immigrant Literature and the Market" at the 20th and 21st century French and Francophone Studies Conference at Georgetown University (March 2008).

    Awards and Distinctions

    Laura Giannetti has won a prestigioushas year-long Fellowship at Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Renaissance Studies Center in Florence, Italy. At I Tatti she will continue her work on her second book tentatively titled “Food and the Literary Imagination in Renaissance Italy.”

    Heather Allen and Steve Butterman have received a James McLamore Summer Award in Business and the Social Sciences.

    Eduardo Negueruela and Subha Xavier have received a Max Orovitz Summer Award in the Arts and Humanities.

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2007

    Recent Publications:

    Two of Hugo Achugar's books, La biblioteca en ruinas: Reflexiones culturales desde la periferia (1994) and Imaginarios y Consumo Cultural: Primer Informe nacional sobre consumo y comportamiento cultural Uruguay (2002), co-edited with Sandra Rapetti, Susana Dominzain, Rosario Radakovich, have been placed online by Ediciones Trilce:

    Graduate Student Veronika Bikova has published “The Image of Power in Soviet and Bulgarian Literature during the Communist Rule and Its Projections in Contemporary Russian and Bulgarian Political Life,” in The Image of Power, ed. Will Wright and Steven Kaplan (Pueblo, CO: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, 2006

    One of Emily Bone's photographs was selected to be published in an anthology and displayed at the International Conference of Photography, sponsored by the International Library of Photography.

    Steven Butterman has two extended book chapters (30 to 50 pages each) in prestigious international venues being published. One on Brazilian experimental cinema and dictatorship and the other on Brazilian popular music under dictatorship.  They will be published, respectively, in peer-reviewed edited collections in Venezuela (the former) and Italy and Netherlands (the latter).

    Ralph Heyndels has recently published “Ontologie de l’Ange gardien” in Traversées and “Nostalgie de la nostalgie des saisons” in Traces d’encre. He is Co-Guest Editor for a special issue on current trends in Francophone literatures and cultures from Belgium and Switzerland to be published by the journal French Studies.

    Ralph Heyndels recently published  “‘L'occasion unique de dégager nos sens’ : modernité, primitivisme et homotexte chez Rimbaud”  in Carolina Diglio ed., Rimbaud et la modernité (Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2006); “Ontologie de l'Ange gardien” in Traverses (Brussels, 2006); “Cris, murmures et chuchotements aux jardins d’une enfance en abyme’ in Il Giardino delle Muse (Schena Editore, 2006); and “On the Condemned Outskirts and Edges: Herve Di Rosa's Miami Landscapes” in Made in Miami: Herve Di Rosa's Around the World 12th Stage (Shenzen: Crelux / Miami: Bass Museum of Art, 2006).

    Anthony Krupp edited a special section on childhood for the Goethe Yearbook 14 (2007): 1-60.

    Anthony Krupp, Assistant Professor of German, has published "Cultivation as Maturation: Infants, Children, and Adults in Alexander Baumgarten's Aesthetica," in Monatshefte 98.4 (2006): 524-538.

    Anthony Krupp's course, "Philosophies of Childhood in the Eighteenth Century," has been published on the website of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies:

    Michael Paulson's article, "The Dido Legend and the Evolution of the French Theatre," has been selected for inclusion in the text, LITERATURE CRITICISM FROM 1400 TO 1800, vol 119, edited by Tom Schoenberg, published by the Gale Grouptentatively.  It is scheduled for release in November.

    Melva Persico has a forthcoming textbook for the Literature section (Paper 3) of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) in Spanish. The expected date of publication is August 2007. Publisher - Macmillan Caribbean.

    Conferences and Colloquia:

    In June 2006, Heather Allen presented a paper entitled “L2 Identity Development Abroad: An Activity Theory Perspective" at the American Association for Applied Linguistics' annual conference in Montreal, Canada.

    She will take part in two presentations at the November 2006 ACTFL Annual Conference: “Language Online: The Evolution of Web-delivered Instruction,” and as a panelist at the American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators, and Directors of Language Programs' session entitled “From Thought to Action: Exploring Beliefs and Outcomes in the Foreign Language Program.”

    In December 2007, Heather Allen and Eduardo Negueruela will be presenting, “Teacher Cognition and Dynamic Assessment in the University FL Context,” at the Modern Language Association 123rd Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.  In October 2007, they will present, “Promoting Pedagogical Expertise in Graduate Students: Dynamic Assessment and Teacher Training,” at the 14th Annual Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning Research Working Group, Tucson, AZ.

    Graduate Student Veronika Bikova will read a paper on “The Intersections of Authoritarianism and French Literature during Vichy France: Mythology of Nazism” at the Romance Studies Colloquium, to be held in Eugene, Oregon, October 19-21, 2006.

    Steve Butterman was invited as one of twelve speakers to present his research on Brazilian literature and fetishism at the international Seminário CORPO & MEDIAÇÃO estudos contemporâneos ("Body and Mediation") to be held at the Centro Universitario SENAC in Sao Paulo, Brazil 28-29 November 2006.

    Steve Butterman will present and discuss a documentary on the life and work of Bahia novelist Jorge Amado on Thursday, Nov. 2 at the Brazilian Consulate in Miami at 6 p.m. (80 SW 8th Street, Suite 2600).

    Steve Butterman will present a series of three lectures on literature from Bahia, Brazil as part of the Centro Cultural's Miami -- Salvador sisters' cities celebration and in conjunction with the Miami International Book Fair, as follows: Nov. 17 (4 - 4:30 pm):  "As origens da literatura baiana:  Palavras indigestas do Boca do Inferno"; Nov. 18 (2:35 - 3:15 pm):  "Jorge Amado:  A Academia dos Rebeldes"; and Nov. 19 (2:35 - 3:15 pm):  "Novos Talentos Baianos:  A Jovem Guarda da Poesia.  "All lectures will take place at the Miami Dade College-Wolfson Campus.

    Steve Butterman's paper entitled "Referring and Refereeing Alternative Sexualities:  Deconstructing Monolithic Paradigms of Male Homosexuality in the Reference Genre in Contemporary Brazilian Literature" was accepted for the upcoming LASA (Latin American Studies Association) meeting in Montreal in September 2007.

    Dr. Butterman will present papers related to Brazilian popular culture, queer studies, literature and film studies at four international academic conferences over the course of the upcoming academic year, including the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Montreal in September, the SOCINE (Sociedade de Cinema Brasileiro) in Rio de Janeiro in October, the MLA (Modern Language Association) at Chicago in December, and BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association) next March in New Orleans.

    Anne J. Cruz has been invited to participate in the Mellon Conference, "Gender Matters," organized by Professor Mara Wade, Head of Germanic Languages and Literatures, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 29-31. She will present the paper "The (Non)Exemplary Female Body in Maria de Zayas's Novelas Ejemplares and Desengaños Amorosos."

    Ralph Heyndels will present a plenary paper on “L’imaginaire et l’imaginal de Jean Genet” at the forthcoming conference on Ecrire (sur) l’Art organized in April 2007 by the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Tunis. He will lecture on “Rencontres littéraires sur la tombe de Genet” at the Institut Français of Marrakech and on “Le travail du deuil et la scène de l’écriture chez Rachid O” at the Universities of Algiers and Tunis-La Manouba. In early May 2007, he will present a plenary paper on « Cocteau, Genet et l’Italie » at the conference on Cocteau et l’Italie organized by the University of Naples L’Orientale, and lecture on Rachid O at the Institut Français of Naples.

    Ralph Heyndels chaired a session and presented the keynote address “Langue et desir dans l’autofiction de Rachid O” at the conference “L'Autofiction,” University of Tunis-La Manouba, April, 2006.  In June, he presided over the meeting of the Rimbaud Society at the University of Paris IV - Sorbonne and presented a paper on “Homotextualiser Rimbaud.”  In July, he chaired a one-day session and spoke on “Les usages et mesusages de la ‘theorie’ dans les études litteraires” at the conference “French Literary Studies in Europe, Canada and the USA:  A Comparative Critical Approach” organized by the University of Bari and the Biblioteca della Ricerca, Italy.

    He also gave invited lectures in April at the Institut Francais de Beyrouth and the University of Algiers; in June, at the Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris and the University of Paris IV - Sorbonne Cours de Civilisation Francaise; and in July, at the University of Naples L'Orientale, and the University of Bari.

    Ralph Heyndels is keynote speaker and co-organizer of the conference on "Ecrire (sur) l'art" in November 2006 in Jendouba, Tunisia, organized by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, Paris), the Institut Superieur des Sciences Humaines de Tunis, and the Universities of Tunis-La Manouba and Jendouba. He will present a lecture on "Ethique et esthetique: les textes de Genet sur l'art."

    Irene Koyoda presented "The Transformative Journey as a Message from the Grave" at the Graduate Student Conference, "Literary Odysseys: The Journeys in and of Literature" hosted by the Department of Comparative Literatures at the University of Colorado on February 23-24, 2007.

    In November, Anthony Krupp co-organized a conference workshop: Signatures of Thought: Karl Philipp Moritz (1756-1793), sponsored by and held at the University of Chicago. In addition to organizing and moderating, he presented a paper, "Moritz's Distinction: Heteronomy/Autonomy."

    Annalisa Mosca presented “Taming the Web!” at the Univ. of Miami Outreach Workshop Sharing Language Learning Technologies in the 21st Century, held in May 2006. She has also been selected to present two papers in December one at the New Techniques and Technologies Forum in Rome, Italy, and another at the 2006 MLA conference in Philadelphia.  In addition, during the summer she was invited again in June to participate as part of the faculty for the Music Theater Italy program ( and in July she attended a three-week workshop for French teachers in Paris, after winning a scholarship offered by the AATF and the French Government.

    By invitation from the Spanish Embassy in New Delhi, Gema Pérez-Sánchez delivered the opening lecture—titled “ContamiNation: Spanish Fiction and Documentary Films on Immigration”—for a Film Series on Immigration in Spanish Films at the India International Centre that she had also coordinated (December 5-9, 2005).  She delivered a conference paper, entitled “Theorizing the Rim/Orilla,” at The Modern Language Association Convention in Washington, DC, on December 27-30, 2005; and she delivered another conference paper, entitled “Ansiedades familiares en A mi madre le gustan las mujeres (2001), de Inés París y Daniela Fejermán,” at the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese 88th Annual Conference in Salamanca, Spain, on June 27-30, 2006.

    Barbara Woshinsky will chair a workshop on Guilleragues' Lettres portugaises at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Seventeenth Century Studies at the University of Nebraska,   May 10-12, 2006.  She has also been invited to participate in a colloquium on "Spaces of the Self" at UCLA, in the Spring of 2008.

    Awards and Distinctions:

    Art Tang has been awarded one of The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) Summer Research Grants.  This grant will allow him to conduct research in Brazil for his dissertation.

    German major, Bridget West  has been accepted into the prestigious study abroad program, The Berlin Consortium for German Studies, run by Columbia University. She is also the recipient of a competitive scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service to support this year abroad.

    Myriam Mompoint was one of three finalists for the ET Foote Graduate Award for Excellence.

    Congratulations to our new PhDs!   Several recent graduates have accepted positions:  Maria Alfonso, Saint John's University, Long Island; Fanny Daubigny, California state University, Fullerton; Adolfo Iván Figueroa, Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana; Manuel Rilo, Stephen Austin University, Texas; Dora Romero, Broward Community College. Emily Bone, MA in French, has accepted a position with Westminster Christian School.  Congratulations and feliz viaje to Lennie Coleman, who was awarded the North American Language and Assistant Program from the Spanish government to spend a year in Spain and to Amol Gheewala who will be conducting research abroad for Spring of 2008.

    Marina Bulyguina was awarded the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student Award in French.

    Joanne Pol was awarded the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Spanish.

    Myriam Mompoint has been awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student Award for the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.


    FOR AY 2006-2007:

    Scholarship Name Recipient
    Ann Colbert Memorial Award Victoria Quintana
    Daniel H. Redfearn Estate Spanish Scholarship Joanna López
    Outstanding Senior Stephen Nobles
    Pi Delta Phi Honoree (French Honor Society) Audrey Neff
    Sigma Delta Pi Honoree (Spanish Honor Society) Carolina Quijano
    The David John Ruggiero Scholarship for Senior in Italian Ana Pires de Sa e Silva
    The John and Melanie Rohrer German Student Scholarship for Fall  Deborah Martin
    The John and Melanie Rohrer German Student Scholarship for Spring Sally Ann Iverson
    The José Balseiro Hispanic Literature Student Scholarship Victoria Quintana
    The L. J. Tremaine Spanish 212 Scholarship for Fall  Kizzy Gift
    The Machler German Language Scholarship  John Robertson
    Wilson Language Scholarship for Seniors Vanessa Goas
    Wilson Language Scholarship for Juniors Jessica Gentile
    Wilson Language Scholarship for Sophomores  Isabelle-Christine Beulaygue

  • MLL Accomplishments in 2006

    Recent Publications:

    Anne J. Cruz has published the following articles: "Dorotea's Revenge: Sex and Speech Acts in Don Quixote, I." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Special Cervantes Issue 82 (2005): 615-632; "Don Quixote, the Picaresque, and the 'Rise' of the Modern Novel." In 1605-2005: Don Quixote Across the Centuries. Coord. John P. Gabriele. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2005. 15-28; and "Narrating Narcissus: Ego, Identity, and the Other's Desire in Tirso de Molina's La celosa de sí misma." "'Corónente tus hazañas': Studies in Honor of John Jay Allen. Ed. Michael McGrath. Newark, DL: Juan de la Cuesta, 2005. 63-76.

    Carlos De oro presented the paper Nacion y cultura: el carnaval de Barranquilla y su propuesta de identidad nacional" at the 14th Conference of the Association of Colombianists, “Colombia: Times of Imagination and Challenge” at Denison University, Granville, Ohio, August 3-6, 2005.  It will be published by "Revista de estudios colombianos

    David Ellison’s Ethics and Aesthetics in European Modernist Literature: From the Sublime to the Uncanny (Cambridge University Press, 2001) has been re-edited in paperback by the same press.

    He has recently published “Rimbaud au pluriel.” In Les Afriques de Rimbaud. Ed. David Ellison and Ralph Heyndels, (Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, 2005): 111-28; and “Proust and the (Fateful) Question of Culture: Or, Art and its Phantoms,” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 9, Issue 1 (January 2005): 5-14.

    Les Afriques de Rimbaud, co-edited by David Ellison and Ralph Heyndels, with the help of Paulette Hacker, has appeared at Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne in the series Transatlantique co-directed by Ralph Heyndels.  It contains Ralph Heyndels’ essay “Voyageur où ça disparu? Les Afriques fantômes objectives de Rimbaud".

    Ralph Heyndels' article “Beckett, Tanger, Août 1978. La photographie, l’écrivain, la légende, et la mort (Banier, Barthes, Beckett) » will appear in Travaux de Littérature XV (Geneva : Droz).

    Anthony Krupp has published an essay: “Observing Children in an Early Journal of Psychology: Karl Philipp Moritz’s Gnothi sauton (Know Thyself),” in Fashioning Childhood in the Eighteenth Century: Age and Identity, ed. Anja Müller (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), 33-42.

    Conferences and Colloquia:

    Steven Butterman was invited to give a lecture at the "First Brazilian International Communications Seminar," to be held at the Broward Center for Performing Arts from 25 - 27 May, 2006. His presentation is entitled "Os desafios do idioma Português no melting pot norte-americano."

    Carlos De oro presented the paper Nacion y cultura: el carnaval de Barranquilla y su propuesta de identidad nacional" at the 14th Conference of the Association of Colombianists, “Colombia: Times of Imagination and Challenge” at Denison University, Granville, Ohio, August 3-6, 2005.  It will be published by "Revista de estudios colombianos

    Viviana Díaz Balsera presented the paper “El diálogo de los sacerdotes de Tezcatlipoca con el cristianismo:  reformulando una conversación contextos fundacionales coloniales” at the XXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association in San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-18, 2006.  She also read “Alonso de Molina’s Confesionario Mayor and the Limits of Colonial Power:  Constituting a Universal Nahua Christian Subject in the Lands of Anáhuac” at the Fifth Biennial Florida International University Conference on Spanish and Latin

    David Ellison is organizing the Twenty-Third Annual 20th- and 21st-Century French and Francophone International Colloquium, to be held at the Marriott Biscayne Bay Hotel in Miami, March 30- April 1, 2006.  He is also co-organizer, with Professor Carolyn Gill (U.K.), and conference participant, in an International Symposium sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation in Bellagio, Italy, on the topic “The Impact of Proust.” September 6-12, 2006.

    David Ellison has been invited to give a paper on “Proust et l’inquiétante étrangeté” at the international colloquium “Etrange Proust/Strange Proust,” Princeton University, April 21-22, 2006. He has been invited as Keynote Speaker for the International Colloquium Montevideana IV:  “A la recherche du temps perdu and Ulysses in the River Plate :  Readings, Translations, Re-Writings, Dialogues.”  July 5-7, 2006.  Title of paper:  “Proust and Translation”

    Patricia Fitzpatrick presented the paper “El lenguaje ‘sagrado’: San Juan de la Cruz, Octavio Paz y la rebelión lingüística de Federico García Lorca” at the New Directions in Hispanic Studies Fifth Biennial  Conference on Spanish and Latin American Cultural Studies to be held at Florida International University in Miami, Florida, February, 2006. She will also present “’Animalization’ in the Name of Power: Antonio Buero Vallejo’s The Concert at Saint Ovide" at Colorado State University's Sixteenth Annual Conference, The Image of Power in Literature, Media and Society Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery.

    Ralph Heyndels has been invited to lecture at the University of Puerto Rico (Rio de Piedras, San Juan) and at the Alliance Française of San Juan de Puerto Rico in March 2006, and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Tunis, the Institut Français of Tunis, the University of Algiers and the French Cultural Center of Algiers in April 2006.

    Ralph Heyndelswill present papers in April 2006 at the International Conference on Métissages organized by the Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines of Tunis; in June 2006, at the International Conference on Modernities from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment organized by Oxford University; and in July 2006 at the Social Sciences International Conference on Gender organized by the University of Rhodes, Greece.  He is co-organizing in March 2006 a film series and discussion panel on Les banlieues at the University of Miami School of Communication, Motion Picture Program, as part of the Miami International Film Festival. He is also the President of the Scientific Committee of the forthcoming XX / XXI Century French and Francophone Studies Conference presided by David Ellison.

    Ralph Heyndels is member of the Organizing Committee of the Exhibition Dirosafrica which will open on April 22, 2006 at the Palais Khereddin in Tunis and he will present the inaugural lecture of this exhibit. He will also present the inaugural talk for the opening of the Nicola Morea exhibition at the Vanderbilt Gallery in Naples, Florida, on February 22, 2006.

    Tracy Devine Guzmán will chair a panel at the LASA conference in San Juan on “Cultural Production, Authoritarianism and Crises of Representation.”  Her paper is titled, “Reviving O Pasquim: On Subjectivity and the Illustration of Political Life in Brazil.” She will participate in a panel on “O Brasil nas Américas” and a roundtable discussion on “Building Brazilian Studies through Comparative Degree Programs” at the BRASA conference in October 2006.

    Anthony Krupp delivered an invited lecture for The Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh on January 11, 2006 titled "Damned Babies? Leibniz vs. the Jansenists."

    Dr. Krupp was invited to the University of Pittsburgh to teach a graduate course on Alexander Baumgarten and to deliver a lecture at the Cathedral of Learning. The lecture, "Damned Babies? Leibniz vs. the Jansenists," examines G. W. Leibniz’s Theodicy, focusing on infants who die unbaptized. Against Jansenists like Blaise Pascal and Pierre Nicole, Leibniz articulates a new, anti-Augustinian theory of original sin that amounts to the claim (N.B.: fifty years before Rousseau) that human nature is originally good.

    Graduate Student, Veronika Bikova will present two papers this Spring.  Her paper "French Language as a Weapon in the Struggle over Political Identity in the Works of Russian Emigrés during the Communist Rule" will be presented at the The 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium and "The Image of Power in Russian and Bulgarian Literature during the Communist Rule and Its Projections in Contemporary Russian and Bulgarian Political and Social Systems" will be presented in March at Colorado State University's Sixteenth Annual Conference, The Image of Power in Literature, Media and Society Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, March 9-11, 2006.

    Awards and Distinctions:

    The Italian section helped organize a new program called Music Theater in Italy ( In 2005, Dr. Maria Galli Stampino and particularly Dr. Laura Giannetti were instrumental in helping the music professors select a location for the program and dealing with the bureaucratic aspects. Professor Annalisa Mosca was invited to the program to teach Italian to the music students. Though the program is not affiliated with the University of Miami, it is directed and run by two professors from the Frost School of Music at UM, Kate Johnson and David Williams. It is an intensive program for musical theater and opera students, held in June in the city of Conegliano, Italy. This summer, students will again take an Italian conversation course, an acting class and personal voice coaching every day; they will also have the opportunity to travel in Italy and Europe during the weekends. Last year's program was featured in several articles in the local newspapers and the students' final performance was reviewed as excellent in the local magazine e-olo.

    Steven Butterman has arranged for the acquisition of the Leila Miccolis Brazilian Alternative Press Collection by the University of Miami. The collection, previously kept in the renowned poet’s home in a remote town in the state of Rio de Janeiro, contains a rare and extensive archive of Brazilian underground journals, periodicals, and newspapers that reflects counterculture resistance and includes poetry, theatrical pieces, film reviews and 'fanzines' that were produced and circulated during the military dictatorship in the last century. Thanks to Dr. Butterman's efforts, Brazilianists now have ready access to this collection.

    Anne J. Cruz has been elected President of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry (2006-2010).  She has also been elected Representative, Hispanic Literatures, Renaissance Society of America (2005-2010).

    Tracy Devine Guzmán's  article, "Diacuí Killed Iracema" was awarded the 2006 essay prize of the LASA Brazil Section.

    Anthony Krupp received two teaching awards this year: the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Innovative Course Design Award, and the University of Miami Excellence in Teaching Award.


    FOR AY 2005-2006:


    Scholarship Name Recipient
    Daniel H. Redfearn Estate Spanish Scholarship Ms. Rita Benítez
    Wilson Language Scholarship for Seniors Mr.  James Brackenhoff
    Wilson Language Scholarship for Sophomores Ms. Theresa Crowley
    Wilson Language Scholarship for Juniors Ms. Katherine Davis
    The L. J. Tremaine Spanish 212 Scholarship for Fall Ms. Katherine Davis
    The David John Ruggiero Scholarship for Senior in Italian Ms. Erica Givens
    The Machler German Language Scholarship Ms. Christina Guzmán
    Outstanding Senior Ms. Eva Hodapp
    The John and Melanie Rohrer German Student Scholarship for Fall Ms. Eva Hodapp
    The José Balseiro Hispanic Literature Student Scholarship Ms. Carolina Quijano
    Ann Colbert Memorial Award Ms. Gabrielle Rapke
    The John and Melanie Rohrer German Student Scholarship for Spring Ms. Gabrielle Rapke
    Sigma Delta Pi Honoree (Spanish Honor Society) Ms. Stephanie Smith
    Pi Delta Phi Honoree (French Honor Society) Ms.  Olivia Soden
    The L. J. Tremaine Spanish 212 Scholarship for Spring Ms. Rochelle Morgan-Verdin
