Majors: French or Spanish

Minors: Arabic, Chinese, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese


Internships are intended to provide the student with an opportunity to apply linguistic, cultural, analytical, interpretive, and creative skills developed in coursework. Internships typically take place outside the University’s Coral Gables campus in businesses that cater to language-specific clientele, healthcare programs that serve the community, cultural or community centers, or a relevant not-for-profit organization, library, or archive.  

Each intern must have a clearly designed project that he/she is capable of completing by the end of the internship. In some cases, the organization will recommend a project that meets its immediate needs, and in others the intern and the organization may develop a project that is mutually beneficial. In all cases, the internship must produce work of value to the organization while also providing the student a meaningful learning experience, preferably one that is indicative of the functions of that organization.

Internships are counted for credit. A maximum of 3 semester hours of internship credit may be counted toward the student’s degree program.

Accordion Group

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  • How to Apply

    Students are responsible for arranging their own internships with the assistance of the Internship Coordinator.  Students should first notify the Internship Coordinator once an agency/program is selected, and must then contact that agency or program directly to apply for a position as an intern.

    Click here for Internship Application.

    For more information please contact the Internship Coordinator Dr. Shai Cohen:

    *To be consulted in the interview with the Internship coordinator*


  • Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the requirements for a 3-credit internship?
    Pre-requisites are: ITA, POR, GER 202; SPA, FRE 203; ARB, JPN 204.

    How many hours a week will I be required to work?
    You will be required to work 5 hours per week from the beginning to the end of the semester. You can arrange your Internship schedule in base of your course schedule.

    Do I get paid as an intern?
    No, you do not get paid as an intern. Internships are counted for credit and are unpaid. As a matter of fact, paid internships CANNOT be counted for credit.

    Is there any homework for the class?
    Besides fulfilling your intern duties, each enrolled student will be required to complete:
    a)   6 bi-weekly journals and a final internship report
    b)   a Final Presentation at the end of the Internship

    What determines my final grade?
    6 bi-weekly journals, the internship report, and the final presentation are counted toward the final grade. On-Site Supervisor is required to complete an evaluation, which also represents a portion of the final grade.

  • Students' Success Stories

    Personal Experience in Alliance Française:

    Lindsey Faucher

    My internship with the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the Alliance Française Miami Metro was a transformative experience. Over three months, I improved my French language skills, engaged in social media management, and handled event logistics, all of which enriched my professional and personal development.
    Working in a French-speaking environment boosted my fluency and confidence. I created and managed social media content, enhancing my communication and technical skills. A notable project was producing videos for event promotions using Adobe Premier Pro, which taught me to work creatively under deadlines.
    Logistical tasks, such as organizing prizes and assisting at literary events, gave me insights into event management and community engagement. Interacting with the Francophone community, especially during the Alain Mabanckou event, deepened my cultural literacy and communication skills.
    Collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds improved my cultural intelligence, teaching me to navigate different communication styles. This internship has made me more adaptable and competitive in the job market, providing a solid foundation for my career aspirations.

    Personal Project of our Students:

    Rachel Mutti

    Building this project as part of my spanish internship in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures was an incredibly enriching experience. By combining my passion for marine science with my Spanish minor, I created a website featuring interviews with marine science professors from Spanish-speaking countries and my own educational outreach proposals to engage with the spanish-speaking community in Miami and beyond. Overall, this internship experience enhanced my ability to communicate scientific concepts in Spanish, allowing me to think critically and solve problems. More importantly, it expanded my cultural competence and stressed the importance of cross-cultural communication in scientific research and outreach. This was a great experience to prepare me for future endeavors in marine science.
