Career Paths



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Hear about How Our Students Are Making the Study of Languages and Cultures Part of Their Career Paths:

Common Career Paths and Job Opportunities for French, German, and Spanish Majors

A major in the Department of Modern Languages, whether it be in French, German, or Spanish, opens the door to a wide range of job opportunities in a variety of fields.

The ability to communicate across languages and cultures is an asset in many specialized careers.  In particular, language skills are increasingly important in the health care professions and allied fields:  nursing, medicine, psychology, counseling, and social work. 

Beyond that, any field that centers on contact between cultural groups—whether it be through international linkages, immigrant communities, or tourism—has a specific need for people with the linguistic and cultural competency that the majors in modern languages offer.  More broadly, any field that involves research, analysis, synthesis, and verbal communication needs professionals with the type of liberal arts training offered by the majors in French, German, and Spanish.  Additionally,  there is always a need for those who can educate others in these important language, thinking, and communication skills.  


In sum, a major in French, German, or Spanish, provides the critical thinking skills—the ability to analyze, develop an interpretation, and present a convincing argument— that are valued in every line of work.  In addition to these skills that are the hallmark of a liberal arts education, the French, German, and Spanish majors provide specific language abilities and cross-cultural competency.  



A Modern Languages Major is an Asset in the following Careers and Fields:


Business, Banking, and Finance

International Business

Domestic Business, in the case of areas of North America with significant

Spanish or French speaking populations

The Hospitality Industry (tourist services, resort management, etc.)
Customer Service





Public Relations

Media Relations

Print Journalism

Visual and Broadcast Journalism

Writing and Editing

Publishing:  Trade, Academic, and Textbook Publishing

Entertainment Industries

Music Industry

Television and Radio

Theatre and Film


Education Teacher at Elementary, Middle School, and High School levels within areas of Foreign Language, English as a Second Language, Literature, and Social Studies

College or University Professor in a specific language or in a discipline that studies other linguistic communities or relies on research in otherlanguages.  Ph.D. programs in many humanities and social science disciplines (e.g., Anthropology, English, History, Linguistics, International Studies, etc.) usually require proficiency in one or more languages.

Administration of international schools, study abroad programs, and other types of international educational exchanges (e.g., internship and volunteer programs)


Information Science

Librarian in academic and public service settings 

Acquisitions and Collection Development


Information Technology

Software Development


Law and Public Policy

International Law

Immigration Law

Development and Humanitarianism

Non-Governmental Organizations:  National and International NGO’s

Non-Profit Organizations:  Charities and  Public Arts Organizations


Government and Inter-Governmental Organizations

The United Nations

Diplomacy and Foreign Service:  Cultural Attache, Ambassador, etc.

Law enforcement


State Department

Civil Service


Translation and Interpreting (oral translation)  

Translator or Interpretor for an International Organization (e.g., the United Nations)

Technical Translator (translate instructions, manuals, web content, etc.)

Courtroom Interpreter (Federal and local levels)

Hospital Interpreter

Literary Translator

Transitional Career Moves

Peace Corps

Teach for America

Fulbright Fellowship for teaching or research abroad

For more details, please speak with a faculty member in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, and/or contact the Toppel Career Center:
