Program Overview

The SLAT Graduate Certificate is an integrated group of courses designed acquire expertise and experience in the field of critical studies of language, centering on theories of second language acquisition and bilingualism, empirical research in these areas, and their applications to the teaching of second and heritage languages at the postsecondary level.

*This program is not eligible for federal or state financial aid. Contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment for further assistance.


Admission Requirements

Any graduate student, lecturer or senior lecturer teaching languages may earn the Graduate Certificate in SLAT, granted by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Miami.

Curriculum Requirements

To earn the SLAT Graduate Certificate, a minimum of nine (9) credit hours of graduate level coursework within the SLAT curriculum must be completed. Any course taken in fulfillment of the required credits toward the Certificate must already be designated as SLAT-related or must receive prior approval of the SLAT faculty. For incoming graduate student Teaching Assistants, MLL 701 (Intro to Second Language Teaching: Theory and Practice) will fulfill three (3) credit hours of the requirement. For those graduate students and lecturers who join the Department having already taken the equivalent of MLL 711 at another institution, the nine (9) required credit hours must be fulfilled through other SLAT courses.



  • Develop the expertise of participants in the fields of applied language studies, research on second language acquisition and bilingualism, modern language teaching methodology and pedagogy.
  • Integrate meaningful use of technology into the participants’ teaching practices.
  • Become more marketable professionally through the development and completion of a professional teaching portfolio.

Student Learning Outcomes 

  • Demonstrate advance knowledge of innovative pedagogical approaches and new technologies.
  • Demonstrate practical expertise of innovative pedagogical approaches and new technologies.


Description of the Certificate

The certificate comprises coursework at the graduate level in language teaching methodology and pedagogy, language learning, literacy, sociocultural theory, sociolinguistics, and bilingualism. The program also integrates practical opportunities that allow participants to acquire professional experience coordinating and supervising language instructors. We also offer a variety of workshops on technology and language teaching in the Department.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Ager Gondra
Director of Spanish Basic Language Program

Merrick Building 212-05
T 305.284.7263
